DIY Metallic Confetti Bowl

Metallic-Confetti-BowlWhile recently browsing through Pinterest, I found a fun DIY project for an interesting little bowl made out of colored confetti. I wanted to try it but I thought it might be fun to do something a little bit different. I wanted to make a silver bowl so I decided to use metallic confetti instead. It turned out really cool and I learned a few things in the process. I'll show you what I did.

DIY-Metallic-Confetti_Bowl (1)You only need a few things to make this bowl: a balloon, confetti, a sponge or paint brush, a container of Mod Podge (you can get this at your local craft store), and a vase or something to set the balloon on while you work.

DIY-Metalic-Confetti_Bowl (2)Inflate the balloon and set it on the vase. Paint a layer of Mod Podge over the bottom half or third of the balloon (whatever size you want your bowl to be). 

DIY-Metallic-Confetti_Bowl (3)Sprinkle confetti over the balloon.

DIY-Metallic-Confetti_Bowl (4)I found it easier to hold onto the balloon when covering the sides with confetti.

DIY-Metallic-Confetti_Bowl (5)Once the balloon is covered, let it dry long enough for the first layer to stick, about an hour. Cover it with another layer of Mod Podge.

DIY-Metalic-Confetti_Bowl (6)Sprinkle with another layer of confetti. 

DIY-Metallic-Confetti_Bowl (7)You will need a couple layers of confetti to make the bowl sturdy enough to keep it's shape. I made this bowl with two layers.

DIY-Metallic-Confetti_Bowl (8)Set the balloon on the vase and let it dry overnight.

DIY-Metalic-Confetti_Bowl (9)The next morning, I noticed that my bowl had an odd shape to it. What I realized was the metallic confetti does not breathe the way paper confetti does. That caused the balloon to buckle a bit.

DIY-Metallic-Confetti_Bowl (10)I popped the balloon and removed it from the confetti. The bowl was actually a decent shape. I loved how it looked sort of artsy and wavy.

DIY-Metallic-Confetti_Bowl (11)The inside of the bowl was still wet because the Mod Podge did not dry completely overnight but the bowl felt sturdy.

DIY-Metallic-Confetti_Bowl (12)I trimmed the edges to clean it up.

DIY-Metalic-Confetti_Bowl (13)I painted a layer of Mod Podge inside the bowl to reinforce it and keep it from coming apart on the inside. I let it dry completely before filling it with colorful chocolate candies.**see note below

Metallic-Confetti-BowlI love this little metallic bowl because it's unique and makes a great conversation piece. It was an interesting project that got my creative juices flowing, giving me some other fun ideas in the process. I can't wait to get busy on the next one!

Have a great week!

Leslie xo

**Please note: Mod Podge is non-toxic but has not gone through FDA approvals to be considered food safe so if you decide to add something edible to your confetti bowl, like I did,  you might want to place another bowl inside of it first before filling.